Before They Vanish (2022)

Frank Kuntz, a Vietnam War veteran from North Dakota, has spent his entire life-preserving a unique herd of 300 Nokota horses which are very useful for human therapy. Due to Frank’s cancer from the effects of agent orange during the Vietnam War, he is finding it extremely difficult to provide for these horses as he did in the past. Frank struggles financially to repay his daughter (Christa), his land owner on which the horses live on (Paul), his hay supplier (Brock), among other ranch upkeep and equipment. At this point, the doctors aren’t giving Frank much time to live. He seeks help from close friends such as Christine, owner of an equine therapy ranch in Pennsylvania who holds a yearly fundraising event to help the horses. The question is – how can Frank ensure the survival of this breed when his time is limited?
Genre: Drama, Family
Director: Ejaz Khan
Producer: June Marie Davis
Writer: Ejaz Khan
Cast: Frank Kuntz, Paul Silbernagel, Christine Carapico McGowan, Lacy Marie Meyer, Michael Filisky, Faith Yesner