This is Me

This is Me, is a film about Freedom. The same Freedom that ALL Americans are guaranteed in the United States Constitution… The Freedom that most of us take for granted, but what about those in the minority… those fringe groups like the LGBTQ+ community? Are they not Americans? Do they not deserve the same rights? Only if America, truly is Great. This is Me.
Genre: Documentary
Director: Paul Sanchez
Producers: Paul Sanchez, Todd Roberts
Writer: Paul Sanchez
Cast: Drew B. Anderson, Rachel Anderson, Don Anderson, Lisa Ann Poggi, Gianni Sanchez, Marco Sanchez, Sara Cunningham, Parker Cunningham, Tessa White, Hanna Olsen, Kelley Blair, Amy Middleman M.D., Roxy Stevens, Sarah Scott, Vanessa Carr, Pastor Neil Hoffman, Pastor James Boline, James Cooper II, Nicole McAfee, Jay Foreman